Saturday, August 31, 2019

Non-Verbal Communication Essay

Compose responses to each of the following questions in separate paragraphs. 1. Which of the images demonstrates an interpersonal communication exchange? How can you tell? The first image is a perfect example of interpersonal communications because the man and woman are interacting with each other. Even though the communication between them is negative, it is interactive. The body language 2. What types of interpersonal communication are being displayed in the images? Why? The type of interpersonal communications on display in the above pictures are a mix of non-verbal, aware and listen and respond forms of interactive communications. The non-verbal guy in the chair excluded, the other 2 images are of negative interactions. Textual communication also plays a role in communication with others. It is important to recognize that textual information may gain deeper meaning when the text is spoken or viewed in a specific context versus when it is read. Read the following quotes and interpret what you think is being expressed. Write 50 to100 words per quote and support your responses. If you wish to include references, please format your responses consistent with APA guidelines. â€Å"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.† — Mark Twain In this quote by Mark Twain, I feel that what he is attempting to say is that â€Å"Anger† is an emotion that eats away at the very core of a person’s being. In essence, the emotion of anger stresses the person who is holding it more than the person that is on the receiving end of the tirade. â€Å"Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.† — Arthur Miller This quote is one of choices. I believe that Arthur Miller is attempting to express the value of choices in life. The statement about ending up with the right regrets translates to hoping that those regrets that may have hurt, harmed, offended, shunned, etc. people are not the memories that define a life of actions and choices. What I interpret the â€Å"right† regrets to be for example would be, â€Å"I only regret that I couldn’t help more people live their dreams.† â€Å"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.† — H. G. Wells In short, I believe that H.G. Wells is expressing that the lessons from our history as humans are learned from by some (education) while others disregard history’s lessons and repeat the same mistakes of the past. â€Å"The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.† — John F. Kennedy The late President Kennedy was more than likely speaking in the same direction of H.G. Wells with this piece. Human beings have always been capable of extraordinary compassion and protection towards their fellow man. In this statement, I believe that he is stressing that we remember what our history is made of as well as attempts to inspire us to be better citizens of America. He also implies that by being so, we as a collective group of patriotic individuals cannot be deterred from our resolve to be better. â€Å"In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the ‘unalienable Rights’ of ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’ It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked ‘insufficient funds.’ But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we’ve come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.† — Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was expressing in this statement his desires not only for himself, but for the entire American population that he wanted to see America make good on the promises that the founding fathers dreamed of when they created the 2 most important documents this country ever possessed. This is an in your face reference to what was humanly and morally correct and how the country was in disagreement both in law and action of this set of basic rights. Dr. King was fed up, but I believe instead of writing angrily, he channeled that anger into a well penned griviance that spoke volumes to the conditions of that time as well as in the present time. Resources Kennedy, J. F. (1961, January 20). Inaugural address. Presidential inauguration, Washington, DC. King, M. L., Jr. (1963, August 28). â€Å"I have a dream† speech. Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Manager as a Critical Thinker

The 10 steps of critical thinking Include: What are the issue and conclusion, what are the reasons, what words or phrases are ambiguous, what are the value and descriptive assumptions, are there any fallacies in the reasoning, how good is the evidence, are there any rival causes, are the statistics deceptive, what significant information has been omitted, what reasonable conclusions are possible. The book stated that â€Å"an Issue Is a question or controversy responsible for the conversation or discussion. It Is the stimulus for what is being said† (Browne & Kelley, 2012).The book goes on to dividing the issue into two categories: descriptive and prescriptive. The book defines descriptive issues as those that cause people to question the accuracy of vents In the past, present or future. And prescriptive Issues are those that raise questions about what is the right thing versus the wrong thing to do, good versus bad, what we should do. The issue in this scenario falls under th e descriptive category. The CEO of PAS Manufacturing, Raymond Sesame's compensation is significantly higher compared to the salary of Coos in other companies with similar characteristics.James was hired In 2003 for a five year appointment with the starting salary at $400,000. During the first three years, the contract promised him raises of %, 5% and 7% consecutively. After the first three years, the Coo's compensation continued to increase significantly while the company experienced zero growth In the year of 2006 and continued to experience loss ever since without signs of recovery. The impact of Sesame's high compensation made headlines in a local newspaper. Employees of PAS are also expressing discontent with their current CEO.As a conclusion, the senior vice president of Human Resources at PAS wrote a memo to the Board of Directors advising the board that the compensation for the current CEO s misaligned with the industry average. He is hoping that the Board would consider sear ching for a new candidate to replace James who would be able to contribute to the company's growth. There are several reasons provided by the Director of HRS to support his recommendation In replacing the current CEO with a new candidate. Browne and Kelley define reason as explanations or rationales that support the validity of a conclusion (2012, P. 30).In this case, the first reason is evidently provided in the table that compares the Coo's salary to the company's growth rate from 2003 o 2009. The Coo's raise percentage continued to rise by 2 percent every year while the company's growth seized In year 2006 and exhibit a loss trend In subsequent years. The HRS Director believes that compensation should be based on performance, 1 OFF reflect his performance. Another reason is that other Coo's from companies with the same characteristics as PAS were only averaging about $391 ,659 in 2007 while Sesame's salary was as much as $100,000 over the national average.It indicates that the co mpany is spending â€Å"unnecessary' money. Lastly, the number of dissatisfaction or the current CEO is growing among the employees of PAS. The HRS Director fears that if union workers have lost respect for the CEO, it would be hard to stop other groups from losing faith as well. The next step is identifying the words or phrases that seem ambiguous in this situation. The book stated that ambiguous words or phrases should be looked in the reasons or conclusion areas because the author wants the reader to accept a conclusion. Therefore, I should look for words or phrases that affect my decision (P. 41).In the last sentence, the HRS Director said that e hopes the successor â€Å"will be more hard-working and willing to do what is necessary' which all sound very ambiguous. Because he never mentioned previously what constitutes as hard-working. Hard-working could mean different things to different people. And â€Å"willing to do what is necessary', what does that mean exactly? There s eems to be implied meanings to this phrase. A person might think doing whatever necessary as breaking the laws to achieve the goal while others might have an entirely different interpretation. Another ambiguous word is â€Å"greatness† in the same sentence.Greatness could also mean many things in this case. It could mean that the company is able to recover its losses or the company is able to regain the trust from partners and employees. Once again, it is hard to determine exactly what the Director want to express by using these words and phrases. The next stage of critical thinking is identifying the value and descriptive assumptions. According to the text, â€Å"a value assumption is an implicit preference for one value over another in a particular context† while â€Å"a descriptive assumption is an unstated belief about how the world was, is or will become† (P. ). The HRS Director considers pay for performance as the best method to determine compensation. By supporting this idea, he believes that productivity is the determining factor in evaluating how good a worker is. Therefore, he prefers his company to follow the industry best practices in determining the Coo's pay rather than the current practice. The descriptive assumption in this case is the belief that the company's performance will improve under the direction and management of a new CEO. In other words, the company's status cannot be improved by other means except for the replacement of the CEO.There are several fallacies that the author used to persuade the reader's opinion in this situation. The author attacked the Coo's personality by pointing out that a local newspaper recently quoted the CEO saying the following line; â€Å"I'm worth every penny I'm paid; this town owes everything to me and my family'. This is an attempt to show that the CEO has disputable character and that he is a cocky ungrateful man. The author also went on to say that the CEO is a very wealthy man as the only grandson of the company's founder. And because of his financial status, he has no inventive to ark hard for this company to strive.Another fallacy that was used is the slippery slope technique in which the author assumes that one event will set off a chain of uncontrollable and undesirable outcomes. The author said that once union workers lose respect for the CEO by circulating an unflattering comic representation it will losing faith in the CEO as well. Next step in critical thinking is to determine the validity of the evidence presented. The first evidence provided by the author is the table listing the Coo's annual raise versus the company's annual growth rate from he company's Human Resources Department.This evidence could be considered as valid because these are probably based on exact figures provided on payroll as well as the company's financial statements. The next evidence that the author presents is the average salary for other CEO in the same industry. At first glance, by using the phrase â€Å"according to the Economic Research Institute†, it would cause the reader to think that this must be a reliable source. But when looking at the footnote at the bottom of the page, the source was Just a salary calculator providing estimates.There re no concrete facts to support that the figure presented was the actual average for the industry. That makes the source not very reliable on its accuracy. The author went on to say that research shows that Coo's median total compensation fell yet the source for this research is from wick. Wick is not considered as a scholarly source for research. The next evidence provided is the survey of executive pay practices. The author stated that 64% from that survey reported salary freeze yet the author never stated how large the sample size was and failed to mention if the sample was Mandalay selected or not.Surveys are often biased because it fail to truly represent how people truly feel instead people fill out answers as they think they have to give. Lastly, the author quoted another cite citing other cities. The author used a source that was quoted in the Baltimore Sun without examining to see if the original source is dependable or not. Lastly, the statement that â€Å"everyone in the Human Resources field knows† is a generalization. The book defines this as â€Å"a person draws a conclusion about a large group based on experience with only a few members of the group.The author clearly has not met with everyone in the HRS field, therefore, he use his experience as being the HRS director to support his claim that this is the thinking of the whole field. The next step in critical thinking in the book is looking for rival causes. The books definition of â€Å"a rival cause is a plausible alternative explanation that can explain why a certain outcome occurred† (P. 128). The author was citing several sources to support his claim that the median compensation for CEO in the industry fell during Sesame's terms, as well as a lot of companies were freezing or rimming salaries for their executives.The author also cited another claim from a source stating that indeed, excessive CEO compensation was the actual cost of the economic recession in the United States during those years. This is the cause that the writer wants the readers to believe that the growth of PAS has stalled over the years is due to excessive compensation. There could be many other reasons that could arguably be the reason why the United States was experiencing a recession during that period such as high unemployment rate, foreign policy, war spending, amount of unsecured loans, etc.Clearly, high CEO compensation cannot be considered as the sole cause of the recession as the author wants us to believe. The author in this scenario used several statistics in trying to support his claim. First he said that the medial total compensation fell by 7. 5 percent, in this case, we weren't provided w ith the base number to determine if 7. 5 percent was significant or not. Once again, the author claimed that 64 percent of companies responding to the survey reported that omitted the total number of companies. 64 percent is an impressive number and we old have been easily swayed if we didn't question the use of statistics.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Strategic Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Outsourcing - Essay Example And this is still true today, the two main reasons for outsourcing attested to by a number of scholars   are 1. Improve Company focus, 2. Reduce and control operating costs (Mylot, 1995; Field, 1998; Greaver, 1999; Barthelemy, .2001). However, in recent times, organizations have become increasingly dissatisfied with their outsourcing contracts. An article from the MIT Sloan Management Review (1998) states that a survey by Cap Gemini Ernst & Young found that only 54% of companies are satisfied with their outsourcing, down from more than 80% a decade ago. The landscape of outsourcing has also changed dramatically in the last year with the increased popularity of SOA and raises questions such as 1. How will software vendors react to service-oriented architecture, real-time infrastructure and fusion? 2. How will enterprises achieve value on their investments in software? Similarly how the ESP are going to address to the questions such as 1. Transform their business models from highly c ustom one-to-one services to a one-to-many or many-to-many service model? 2. Effectively partner with ESP’s that are moving or have moved to a leveraged service model.Interestingly enough Gartner predicts that â€Å"by 2007, driven in part by SOA-based Web services, 18 percent of all IT professional services will be deployed in a multi enterprise, shared service environment. Enterprise application vendors are the likely beneficiaries of the SOA bounty when it comes to outsourcing. Vendors such as Oracle and PeopleSoft have grown.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Does the 'family'still serve society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Does the 'family'still serve society - Essay Example In years past one thought of the traditional family as one where only one parent worked outside the home, and in that way their service to society was in the father providing solely for his family. As the composition of the family unit has changed since the 1950’s, so have the ways in which families regard their contributions to society. In spite of the changes in families over the years, some things have not changed. No matter what the structure of the family unit, the same societal expectations exist as always. It is still expected that a family, traditional or non-traditional, will have someone within the structure who will take on the financial responsibility of providing for the family unit. The fact that 18% of children under the age of 18 are living in a household with only one parent doesn’t change the role of that family unit. Society, as a whole, has changed the way the family unit is conceived, and it is no longer seen as the two-parent, one-breadwinner famil y of the past. It is predicted that the trend of modern vs. traditional families will continue throughout the 21st Century. This switch does not mean that families will no longer be together to do family things or that there will no longer be a role model for the children, but rather simply that the structure of the family unit will not be the same as in the 1950’s and earlier. The change in family structure means nothing more than the home may not be headed by the father of the children but may be headed by the mother, another relative, or in the case of a gay/lesbian relationship, one of the partners. Does this reduce the service they provide to society? Not by any means, it does no more that reallocate the distribution of that service from the traditional family breadwinner to another member of the family unit. In the case of a couple, married or not, who have ended the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


MEDIA PLAY IN SHAPING PUBLIC DEBATE ABOUT CURRENT ISSUES (WRITE A PAPER BASED ON BOOK) - Essay Example ributing to and reflecting public sentiments about immigration in the United States, largely because of how it frames arguments around the latter (Fryberg et al. 3) and people’s selective media consumption (de Zà ºÃƒ ±iga, Correa, and Valenzuela 599). Framing pertains to â€Å"the way that an argument is packaged†¦ so as to make accessible and encourage a particular interpretation of a given issue† (Fryberg et al. 3). The media has a significant role in affecting the public debate of immigration through its framing and slanting of news about it, although political ideology, exposure to different sources of news, and geographic location affects the framing perspective and public sentiments on immigration also. The media affects current immigration issues through its different ways of controlling information, as it builds and contributes to the formation of civil society through the informatization of the world. In reality, numerous news and media content compete for media coverage, and immigration is only one of many possible everyday topics. The media has the power to decide which topics to cover, how it can cover it, and how many times it can cover it, although their coverage also depends on what the public wants or what politicians what to talk about in the news (Fryberg et al. 3; Hayes 1). Some scholars have already noted that the media has become powerful in shaping civil society through influencing the availability of and access to different content of news and information. In Social History of the Media Asa Briggs and Peter Burke describe the rise of the information age, which evolved from the printing press to the radios and television to the electronic and digital media. They not e the informatization of civil society, as people in power and related to them understand that â€Å"[c]ontrol of information†¦would be the essence of wealth and power in the future† (Briggs and Burke 232). Whoever holds sources of data of whatever form has the power to sway the

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Future of bussniess Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Future of bussniess - Research Paper Example Generally, the failure of policymakers and the feeble financial system initiated the depression. However some economists believed with Keynes’ principle in explaining the â€Å"real cause† of the Great Depression -- capitalism (Rothbard, 2000). While capitalism may be to be blamed for the economic turmoil in the 1930s, the absence of enough evidence of the existence of capitalism in the modern economy absolves laissez-faire as the reason behind today’s persistent recession (Paul, 2002). If the today’s economy is indeed depressed, large corporations and small firms will be the first entities to crunch. With the decline of market stocks, investors would likely resell shares or worse, discontinue investments on any business undertaking. Businessmen will depend on government funding to shore up businesses. However when companies can no longer allot for debt servicing, they may undergo bankruptcy. Besides, easy money is not a guarantee since banks are also not recession-proof (Ewing, 2010). The weakening of the financial system would compromise productivity, and largely, labor force planning hence a massive unemployment. High rates of unemployment would result to decrease in demand as those who lost their jobs will cut costs of living. Furthermore, unemployment would result to homelessness, hunger, and/or other psychological and physical problems. To come out of the economic depression, companies should not rely greatly on debt. Aside from the fact that seeking aid from financial services likely incurs bad debt, it eliminates the susceptibility of banks during crises which is not the case. This would also increase independence as they will have to write off toxic assets and make better use of other assets (Ewing, 2010). Banks can no longer depend on low interest rates since this will only increase the dependence of corporations on them. Also, companies should not always resort to a

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Price Discrimination in Cinema Market Research Paper

Price Discrimination in Cinema Market - Research Paper Example A price discrimination strategy is a common tool adopted by cinema operators for maximizing business profit. Through the implementation of a versioning or product line stretching program, these companies charge higher prices to same groups of customers for superior and newer services. Golden Village charges $8.50 per movie ticket on weekdays. However, for the same shows, the company sets $ 11.50 price per ticket on weekends. At the same time, the company charges $ 4.50 per ticket for the show on weekdays for senior citizens; whereas, charges $7.00 for the same ticket on the same day for young students. Thus, if observed in details, the company discriminates on its ticket prices on the basis of time, the degree of iteration of customer visit and age. From the above analysis, it can be claimed that the company implements third and second-degree price discrimination strategy while setting prices of its movie tickets. Under the regime of second-degree price discrimination, the company ch arges higher for each ticket when a movie new releases in the market and lowers the ticket prices gradually.Given that customer’s willingness to pay falls with time, a price of the ticket for a movie released also drops. Through third-degree price discrimination, the company charges separate prices to different groups of customers, as per their age and time of ticket purchase. An elasticity of demand measures degree of responsiveness of rate of change in quantity demanded with respect to a rate of change in the price level of a product or a service.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Family of Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family of Law - Essay Example The judges will study other cases of theft from the past and extract their principles, and then use them to punish her. The kind of punished will be the same as the punishment given to other thieves in precedent theft cases. Gender and nationality of the friend cannot affect the ruling of the judges as long as she committed the theft offense in the Great Britain territory. The law is fair because it ensures that the guilty party is judged according to the judgments of the past similar cases. In France, the main type of law applied is the civil law. This type of law entails private laws on property, inheritance, family, and contract laws (Bell, 1998). Disputes are settled by allowing the two parties to engage in agreements, and if the agreements are broken by one or both parties the courts intervene by applying constitutional laws and statutes to pass resolutions. The theft of the friend could be death with in France by applying the civil law. The theft can be reported by the offended party to the relevant authorities who then apply the property law to enhance fairness to the owner of the property stolen. The friend may be required to pay for damages or can be jailed in court for a number of years determined by the law. The fact that the friend is a foreigner or a lady cannot influence the decision of the authorities in France under the civil law because the statutes and the constitutional laws apply to all cases committed in France. The law is fair because it follows the statutes and the constitution which are used to protect the rights of the citizens, e.g. the right to own property. The third country that can be considered in this essay is Saudi Arabia. The family of law that may apply in Saudi Arabia is theocratic law. This type of law depends on the doctrine of religion which suggests that the ruler of the people is God or the gods (Hirschl, 2010). Disputes are

Advertising and promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Advertising and promotion - Essay Example 536). When it comes to a marketer, one of the most important aspects of his business function is value creation through the products or service that he is selling, and it is critically important that the value he created should be communicated to the proposed customers. The messages a marketer has to communicate may vary from firm to firm. It may be about the features, price and other significant elements of the product or service. Marketing communication is a collective term for all different types of messages that are used to establish a brand. The various communication modes are; 1- Advertising: It is non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or service by the marketer. Advertising is generally defined as spreading of information. 2- Sales Promotion: It involves variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service. 3- Events and experiences: these are company-sponsored activities or programs designed to create brand related interact ions, 4- Personal selling: That is face-to-face interaction with one or more customers for encouraging the purchases. 5- Public Relation: It involves programs designed to promote a product or service, 6- Direct marketing: It is the use of mail, fax, telephone, internet etc to communicate with customers to make them aware of and to promote to purchasing a product or service (Duncan, 2004, p. 7- 12). The Process of Marketing Communication Communication is transmitting, receiving and processing the information. When it comes to the marketing communication, the marketer or communication agency that has been assigned by the marketer attempts to transfer an idea... The intention of this study is marketing communication as basically a marketing function by which business firms attempt to inform, persuade and remind consumers about the products that they want to sell to them. When it comes to a marketer, one of the most important aspects of his business function is value creation through the products or service that he is selling, and it is critically important that the value he created should be communicated to the proposed customers. The messages a marketer has to communicate may vary from firm to firm. It may be about the features, price and other significant elements of the product or service. Communication is transmitting, receiving and processing the information. When it comes to the marketing communication, the marketer or communication agency that has been assigned by the marketer attempts to transfer an idea or message to a receiver in a way that the receiver will be able to process the information being communicated to him. Though gener ally the marketer is the main source for giving the advertising or conducting the promotion activities, more often them marketing department is looking for an agency or organization that can help them in advertising and promotion. Advertising and promotion industry consist of large numbers of organizations such as Television channels, radio stations, new paper companies, film companies, websites and other firms that facilitate bulleting or digital billboard advertising etc.

Friday, August 23, 2019

What's your Dangerous Idea Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What's your Dangerous Idea - Research Paper Example A sample such a situation is a college who, during exam week, chose to party every night instead of study. During his exams the next day he is unprepared and without answers to the questions being asked in the exam form. He is unable to answer enough right questions that would result in his passing the exam. The result of his first 2 previous actions determined that he would fail the test and thus, fail the class as well. Events such as the aforementioned situation prove the philosophy that all naturally occurring events will happen due to the laws of nature. In essence, all the events that take place in a persons life and its results are all part of a naturally occurring system in a persons life that is based upon a persons choices and decisions that are influenced by the motives of a person. In other words, the collective human actions will create conditions that will result in the occurrence of an event. No other event can result from the actions that a person executed. These actions are, as seen in the example above, to be considered pre-conditions that help determine the course and results of a previous event in a persons life. Such events are then defined to be a part of Causal Determinism which is understood to mean cause and effect. Theoretically, (causal) determinism is believed to be composed of moral choices that preclude free will. The reason that determinism is believed to take precedence over free will is because humans will act in a certain manner whether they like it or not. Factors combine in order to make people follow a certain path with a pre-determined result for them at the end of it. Therefore determinism necessitates that antecedent events and conditions come together like atoms in the laws of nature. It is because of these existing reasons that Determinism has been thought to have a deep connection with mans understanding of the physical sciences and its explanatory ambitions and our views about human

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Giuseppe Garibaldi Essay Example for Free

Giuseppe Garibaldi Essay Giuseppe Garibaldi was born in 1807 and lived until the year 1882. As an Italian revolutionary and irregular general, he began his long and varied livelihood as a revolutionary striving for the liberation as well as the unification of Italy by joining in Giuseppe Mazzini’s vain revolt at Genoa in 1834. Forced to leave Piedmont, he run away to South America where he spent the subsequent fourteen years, gaining knowledge and experience fighting in various battles. First, he grappled as a guerrilla general plus as a privateer for the province of Rio Grande Del Sol against Brazil, and then he served as a commander of an Italian legion in support of Uruguay against Argentina (Panero, 2005, 3). At the time when Italy rose in insurrection in 1848, he came back and raised 3,000 men to assist the king of Piedmont that is, Carlo Alberto. Obligated to flee the country yet again, subsequent to defeat at the first battle of Custoza, Garibaldi soon returned to manage the defense of the last remnants of the revolution that was-Mazzini’s Roman republic. He was able to hold off the collective armies of the French, Austrians, Spanish, along with the Neapolitans for a number of weeks. Nevertheless, the republic finally came down and Garibaldi runaway to America (Panero, 2005, 5). Despite the fact that Garibaldi fought for Piedmont for the duration of the Franco-Austrian war of 1859, he is perhaps greatly remembered for his role in conquering the monarchy of the kingdom of the Two Sicilies. In May of the year 1860, he set out to liberate southern Italy from the suppressive rule of King Francis II. On 11th May, he arrived with his so called Red shirts at Marsala, Sicily, and ruined the Neapolitan army in numerous battles. He then went on to cross the Stratits of Messina on 22nd August and moved up the peninsula, being greeted ardently by the people along the way. On 7th September, his forces took over Naples (George, 1911, 12). In March 1861, Garibaldi gave up his conquest to King Vittorio Emanuele of Piedmont in order to realize his lifetime dream of having a united and independent kingdom of Italy. Even though most of the Italian peninsula was under the decree of Vittorio Emanuele, the Papal States remained apart. In August 1862 as well as in January 1867, he endeavored to take Rome. These attempts failed due to French interference, and the Papal States were only integrated into the kingdom whilst the French withdrew their troops in 1870. Garibaldi had won a signal conquest. He gained worldwide fame and the praise of Italians. Faith in his prowess was so strong that uncertainty, perplexity, and dismay seized, sadly, even the Neapolitan court. Six weeks later, he marched alongside Messina in the east of the isle. There was a fierce and difficult battle at Milazzo, however Garibaldi won through. By the end of July, only the citadel refused to give in. Having finished the invasion of Sicily, he crossed the Strait of Messina, with the aid of the British Navy, and thus marched northward. Garibaldi’s progress was met with more festival than resistance, and on 7th September, he entered the capital city of Naples, via train. In spite of taking Naples, however, he had not to this point defeated the Neapolitan army (Riall, 2007, 9). Garibaldi’s volunteer army was not capable of defeating conclusively the reorganized Neapolitan militia at the Battle of Volturno. This was the biggest battle ever fought, but its outcome was in effect decided by the arrival of the Piedmontese Army. Following this, Garibaldi’s plans to protest on to Rome were jeopardized by the Piedmontese, technically his ally but unwilling to risk hostilities with the French, whose army sheltered the Pope. Garibaldi sustained his career as a general by ruling Italian troops, with some triumph, all through the Austo-Prussian war of 1866, which resulted in Austria surrendering Venetia to the kingdom of Italy (Farmer, 2006, 4). He again commanded an Italian volunteer force, this time in support of the new-fangled French republic during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 to 1871. After the war, Garibaldi led a political party that fought for the capture of Rome, the peninsula’s antique capital. In 1867, he again rallied on to the city, but the Papal militia, supported by a French supplementary force, proved a match for his ill-armed volunteers. He was shot and consequently wounded in the leg on the Aspromonte, taken captive, held prisoner for a time, and then again brought back to Caprera. When the Franco-Prussian battle broke out, Italian public outlook heavily favored the Prussians, and several Italians tried to sign up as volunteers at the Prussian embassy in Florence. After the French defense force was recalled from Rome, the Italian armed forces captured the Papal States without Garibaldi’s aid. Subsequent to the wartime collapse of the Second French Empire at the combat of Sedan, Garibaldi, undaunted as a result of the recent hostility shown to him by the men of Napoleon III, changed his support toward the newly-declared French Third Republic. Consequently, Garibaldi went to France and assumed authority of the Army of the Vosges, a militia of volunteers that was on no account ever defeated by the Prussians (Panero, 2005, 24). Despite being elected once more to the Italian parliament, Garibaldi spent a great deal of his late years in Caprera, a small island off the coastline of Sardnia. He nevertheless supported an ambitious project of land recovery in the marshy region of southern Lazio. In 1879 he founded the League of Democracy advocating worldwide suffrage, the closure of ecclesiastical property, and maintenance of the standing militia. Though confined to a bed by arthritis, he made several trips to Calabria and Sicily. In 1880 he married Francesca Armosino, with whom he had in the past born three children with (Riall, 2007, 13). After the finale, Garibaldi’s long career as a warrior came towards an end. After serving some years as a deputy for Rome in the Italian parliament, he spent his very last years on a farm in Caprera writing narratives. Significance and Influence of Giuseppe Garibaldi Giuseppe Garibaldi devoted most of his life to the cause of Italian harmony. His utmost triumph was the 1860 overthrow of the Kingdom of Naples, the incident which hastened Italian unification. In May of that year, Garibaldi arrived in Sicily with a volunteer force of one thousand and seventy men. Within two weeks this force had captured the city of Palermo, forcing the surrender of an army of 20,000 patrons. In August, Garibaldi crossed over to the Italian mainland, routing the Neapolitan militia in a series of conquests and capturing Naples itself within the same month. Garibaldi’s March turned out to be one of the grand legends of the nineteenth century mutually because of the genius with which Garibaldi prevailed over vast military odds, and, just as importantly, because of the powerful political symbolism of the occasion in an age in which ethnic and cultural groups more than ever responded to nationalism’s call in a Europe still dominated by the dynastic rule blocs of an earlier era. There can be no uncertainty that the March, whose progress was fervently followed in United States against the European dynastic oppression, was viewed in this nation as a great vindication of the right of the individual to political self-rule. It also encouraged Southern leaders to political leaders in their progress towards secession at exactly the time when accounts of Garibaldi’s exploits come out in the American press. Nor is it by chance that in 1876 Wade Hampton’s followers, in their opposition to the continued existence of Federal troops in South Carolina, appropriated the name of Garibaldi’s followers, the Red Shirts, for themselves (George, 1911, 67). Garibaldi’s fame, his skill at inspiring the common people, and his military exploits are all credited with making the amalgamation of Italy possible. He also served as a global exemplar during the mid-19th century revolutionary patriotism and liberalism. But following the deliverance of southern Italy from the Neapolitan monarchy, Garibaldi chose to forfeit his liberal republican values in favor of unification. Garibaldi subscribed to the anti-clericalism which was ordinary among Latin liberals and did a great deal to circumscribe the temporal supremacy of the Papacy. His personal religious beliefs are unclear to historians. In 1882 he wrote the book ‘Man created God, not God created Man’, however, this conflicted with what he wrote in his autobiography as there, he claimed to be a Christian. Nonetheless, an active freemason, Garibaldi had little use for practices, but thought of masonry as a system to connect progressive men as brothers both within nations and also as members of a global society. He was eventually elected the ostentatious master of the Grand Orient of Italy. When Giuseppe Garibaldi died at Caprera in 1882, five ships of the Italian Navy were named after him, among which a World War II cruiser, the existing flagship, and the aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi as well (Farmer, 2006, 17). Statues of his portrait, as well as the handshake of Teano, stand in many Italian squares, and furthermore in other countries around the world. There is also a statue of Garibaldi on horse-back on top of the Gianicolo hill in Rome. His face was initially turned in the direction of the Vatican. This was as a representation of the illusion to his aspiration to conquer the Papal States, but after the Lateran Treaty in 1929 the direction of the statue was altered upon the request of the Vatican (George, 1911, 106). Book reviewers have cited Garibaldi as being the only admirable figure in every respect in modern history. In its admiration for example, the Nottingham Forest which was a team of English football designed their sporting kit after the uniform worn by Garibaldi along with his men and have since worn a variation of this design since being established in 1865. The Garibaldi biscuit was also named after him, as was a distinct style of bread. The Giuseppe Garibaldi Trophy has been awarded per annum since 2007 within the Six Nations rugby union structure to the champion of the match between France and Italy, in remembrance of Garibaldi. Work Cited Farmer Allan. How was Italy Unified? Allan Farmer Examines the Processes which Led to the Unification of Italy. History Review, 2006, pp. 4, 17 George Trevelyan. Garibaldi and the Making of Italy. Rome, Longmans, Green, 1911, pp. 12, 67, 106 Panero James. Giuseppe Garibaldi: My Life, New Criterion, Vol. 23, 2005, pp. 3, 5, 24 Riall Lucy. Garibaldi: The First Celebrity. History Today, Vol. 57, 2007, pp. 9, 13

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Determination of Vitamin C Concentration by Titration

Determination of Vitamin C Concentration by Titration Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is a necessary nutrient in the human diet. Fruit juices are among the most common consumer items taken to meet our daily requirements of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C can be determined in food by use of an oxidation-reduction reaction. The redox reaction is preferable to an acid-base titration because a number of other species in juice can act as acids, but relatively few interfere with the oxidation of ascorbic acid by iodine. This method determines the vitamin C concentration in a solution by a redox titration with potassium iodate in the presence of potassium iodide. The excess iodine is back titrated with thiosulfate (S2O32-). Starch solution is used as indicator. Iodide ions reduce iodate ions producing iodine in an amount equivalent to the iodate. The principal reactions involved are shown by the following equations. Generation of iodine: IO3- + 5I- + 6H+ → 3I2 + 3H2O Titration of iodine with thiosulfate: I2 + 2S2O32- → 2I- + S4O62- The reaction of iodine with ascorbic acid is shown in the following equation: C6H8O6 + I2 → C6H6O6 + 2I- + 2H+ Ascorbic acid is oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid EXPERIMENT Apparatus burette (50 mL), volumetric flasks (250 mL, 100mL), beaker (400 mL), pipette ( 10 mL, 25 mL), Erlenmeyer flasks (250mL) Reagents oxalic acid, C2H2O4.2H2O, potassium iodate KIO3, sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate, Na2S2O3.5H2O, sulfuric acid, H2SO4, potassium iodide, KI, starch indicator solution (2% w/v in distilled water), apple juice Preparation of Na2S2O3 and KIO3 solution Na2S2O3.5H2O and Na2CO3 were weighed 1.8613 g and 8 mg respectively to prepare exactly 250 mL of 0.03M sodium thiosulfate solution. Dilution of 0.25 g KIO3 in 250 mL volumetric flask was done. Standardization of Sodium Thiosulfate 2 g of KI and 10 mL of 0.6M H2SO4 were added into 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask after 25 mL of KIO3 was pipette. This solution was titrated with sodium thiosulfate solution until the initial brown color of the solution turns to pale yellow. 2 mL of starch indicator was added and the titration was completed at the disappearance of the blue color. Titration was repeated 2 times. Preparation of sample 0.1 gm of oxalic acid was added into 50 mL of apple juice after it was pipette then the sample juice was diluted in a 100 mL volumetric flask. Titration of sample 2 g of KI and 10 mL of 0.6M H2SO4 were added into Erlenmeyer flask after 25 mL of KIO3 and 25 mL of diluted sample were pipette. The solution was titrated with standard Na2S2O3. 2 mL starch indicator was added just before the end point. The titration was repeated 2 times. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The molar concentration of standardize solution and vitamin c studied are shown in summary data report sheet and the all calculations are shown in appendixes. Volumetric analyses based on titrations with reducing or oxidizing agents are very useful for many determinations one of the example is iodometry titration. It was performed using visual indicator that is starch indicator to determine the end point. Starch forms a not very reversible complex with I2 that is a very dark-blue color. The color reaction is sensitive to very small amounts of iodine. Iodine is a moderately strong oxidizing agent and a weak reducing agent. When an excess of iodide is added to a solution of an oxidizing agents, I2 is produced in an amount equivalent to the oxidizing agent present. This I2 can therefore, be titrated with a reducing agent and the result will be the same as if the oxidizing agent were titrated directly. The titrating agent used is sodium thiosulfate. The oxidizing agent not directly titrate with the thiosulfate because strong oxidizing agents oxidize thiosulfate to a oxidation states higher than that of tetrathionate. The end point is detected with starch. The starch is not added in the beginning of the titration when the iodine concentration is high. Instead, it is added just before the end point when the dilute iodine color becomes pale yellow. The reason for using acid is that reactions between many oxidizing agents and iodide are promoted by high acidity. Sodium thiosulfate solution is standardized iodometrically against a pure oxidizing agent that is KIO3. from the volume of titrant used to titrate the primary standard, the molar concentration of the titrant can be calculated. The calculations that involve in these data are base on volumetric analysis which consists of titration and standard solution that means need stoichiometric calculations. The data of standardization of thiosulfate in term of volumes sodium thiosulfate have low accuracy because the differentiation between readings quite obvious compare to volumes of sodium thiosulfate in determination of vitamin C. The data of the experiment is compared to the true data. The true data state that the content of vitamin C mg per 100 mL is 15 mg but in the experiment is 0.8096 mg / 100 mL. This is because the vitamin C is decompose by heat. The diluted sample is prepared too earlier. There are several errors that might be occurred in this experiment. One of that is systematic error which means error in burette reading. The sources of systematic error consists of three types ; instrument error, method error, and personal error. Personal error occurred to the operator of equipment especially in sensitivity in color changes. For example in this experiment the color changes involve is brownish to pale yellow. Whereas the method error occurred when the reaction does not complete. Even the instrument also can cause the error especially when the end of burette and pipette are blocked by something. Instrument errors can minimize by good maintenance of equipment. To observe the color changes when do titration in analyte put the plain white paper at the bottom of conical flask. When taking burette reading always read at the meniscus and the reading of pipette as well. The error in data can be overcome by applying statistical tests on data for example find the standard division and mean. To apply this test carries out replicate measurements. In this experiment we do triplicate. CONCLUSION The molarity of KIO3 is 4.6728 x 10-3 M. The molarity of standardize thiosulfate is 0.0278 M and the content of vitamin C in mg/100 mL is 0.8096.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

CSR in the Fast Food Industry

CSR in the Fast Food Industry All organizations have different devinitions between CSR (corporate social responsibility Coporation), but significant similarity with them.  Mallen Baker on the definition of CSR is that as companies manage business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Consider the following example:   The companys two aspects of their activities.   1.  Quality control both in terms of people and processes (inner circle).   2.  Nature of much of its impact on society in various fields.   Other definitions   World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication Building Business Sense Lord Holme and Richard Watts, use the following definition.  Social responsibility is the continuing commitment of businesses to behave ethically and contribute to economic development, improving quality of life for employees and their families and local communities and society as a whole   In the same report was evidence of different ideas about what ought to be made from many different companies around the world.  Definitions as varied as COP on capacity building for sustainable livelihoods. It respects cultural differences and find business opportunities in the development of skills of workers, communities and governments of Ghana, on CSR in the company to give back to society from the Philippines.   On the other hand, the European Commission guarantees its rate on the two definitions in one: the concept that companies voluntarily decide to better society and cleaner environment, a concept that corporate social and environmental issues, to promote their business. In their interaction with stakeholders  voluntary basis.    When we checked back every one of them, they agreed that the definition is currently focused on the impact, as the economic base.  Some go farther than others, to predict how many companies operate a green light for the operation of their own influence on the topography, especially outside the home, help in achieving the goals of society as a whole.  There is a significant difference, when many entrepreneurs believe that their companies are ill-prepared to pursue social objectives of incubators and activists argue that society is not democratic authenticity to take such a role.  This is particularly the discussion will continue.   Introduction Mcdonads   1954, the supplier of machinery fifty-two seen milkshake diner in San Bernardino, Calif., and saw a huge new industry: fast food.  In what will be his golden years, showed Raymond Kroc, the founder and builder of the corporation McDonalds, The advance of industry, for example, no less capable than Henry Ford, who revolutionized the American restaurant industry rules magnificent production of hamburgers, French fries French and milkshakes.  Bought developing complex operating system and delivery, he assured that customers bought French fries in terms of Topeka to New York will be.  This consistency makes the brand of McDonalds, which defined the American fast-food restaurants.   McDonalds mission   McDonalds is a mission that is the preferred place for our clients, and inspiration to people who eat the joy of each client unsurpassed quality, service, cleanliness and value every time   We invite you to become part of this winning team and give you the opportunity to provide a family with the smiles grow on behalf of millions of people every day   Introduction KFC   The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken, Colonel Harland Sanders founded in 1952, when the idea of KFC fried chicken dates back to 1930.  The Company has adopted an abbreviated form of his name, KFC, in 1991 [2].  Since April 2007 the company began with its original name Kentucky Fried Chicken again its signage, packaging and advertising in the U.S. through a new corporate rebranding, [3] [4] and the new restaurants will be transformed into a new logo and name while older stores will continue to use 1980  signs.  The company also uses the abbreviation KFC freely used in its advertising.  International company is still known as KFC.   Update on KFC   Analysis of the situation, we have analyzed the situation in the market that KFC faces in terms of company / product, competition and consumers.  We have presented our own ideas for which we have seen, placed trends or patterns.  Further, we must understand, a survey for students on the market.  We focused on the perception of health for consumers KFC, its products, competitors and competing products.  Then we have our first series of groups plan to investigate the projections should   CSR ANALYSIS Carol and models Sethi   Model of Carroll and Sethi the first models of social responsibility   With regard to Sethi (1975), Tri-State model the behavior of companies that he created are classified as social power.  The three countries conduct of companies based on:   Constraint) social   b) social responsibility   c) public awareness   Sethi The second condition requires companies to recognize the movements and, in response to the expectations of society.  The third assertion of claims that the company develops the competence to work effectively with stakeholders and specific action on their issues and concerns are growing.  Sethi also emphasized the cultural and temporal dependence of corporate responsibility and the importance of sound management and classification for easy measuring and evaluating progress.   Model-based Carroll Sethi (1979) model, which includes the following four categories of corporate responsibility in reducing the degree of importance is proposed:   a) To be economically viable;   b) legal to obey the law;   c) do what is moral and just and equitable without interference;   d) discretionary / philanthropic good corporate citizen.   In 1991, Carrolls model of CSR as a pyramid, and suggested that, although the mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, it allows the manager to see that with different types of linkages in constant fear of others.   CSR   Disclaimer   liability related to obey the laws and regulations   Civil rights: the rights and responsibilities of individuals and organizations   Criminal law: no special measures to break and the imposition of fines and / or imprisonment as punishment for the law   ethical responsibility   Behavior and actions planned or approved by the members of the organization and the community and society.   Standards, norms and expectations, which reproduce the interests of key stakeholders   economic responsibility   How much resources are allocated for the production of goods and services in the social   Do you think that consumers favor socially responsible companies, or are they more in love with the greatest profit of the company?   à ¿Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Corporate social responsibility at McDonalds   McDonalds Value   Our values are represented in the QSC V.  For good quality services to customers.Do you have a clean environment, while the customer enjoys the meal.  The value of food does each customer smiling.   Values   We are customer satisfaction in the heart of what we do   We are committed to our employees   We believe in the McDonalds   We conduct our business ethically   We provide our communities   We grow our business profitable   We strive to constantly improve   Apply the model of CSR at McDonalds   This process shows that McDonalds made and its suppliers to continually improve our service to sustainable development. We have dozens of green laboratory , which is in development and testing of environmental innovation, to share in the society and the scale where it makes sense  said Bob Langert, vice president of corporate social responsibility. At the same time to take our suppliers ingenuity to help us, our vision of a global sustainable supply chain development best practice in everything from employee well-being, climate change and energy for animals. All of these events  very good for our business and the world in which we operate.    The best examples of sustainable supply chain include:   Taming the wind: In the UK, supplier of McDonalds McCain Food turbines storm in a French fry plant to supply up to 60 percent of annual electricity consumption in the operation of the facility per year, reducing emissions 10.000 tonnes of CO2 in 2009.  If the plant does not work, the world power in the national network for sale.   The energy of potatoes: In Austria, a provider of McDonalds, and fresh frozen solid by-product of potato and turn it into gas, and the remainder of the process for farmers who use them delivered as a natural fertilizer.  The plant produces about 6 GWh of energy per year, and 2000 homes with electricity and saves 30 percent of electricity on the spot.   CSR KFC   Researchers Colonel   make KFC Colonel Scholars Program  © is to visit for high school graduates to consumption, strong endurance, financial needs and the upper stage at an accredited educational institution in the country and live where they want.   KFC Colonel Scholars program is designed for you to succeed your dreams and aspirations, and perseverance.  This program is for seniors who visit the state schools are represented in the state or university.  Students who meet the criteria can apply online to become a KFC Colonel Scholar.  Students for this scholarship are selected to participate receive up to $ 20.000 to a bachelors degree.   Social diversity   For us, diversity is not a goal a lifestyle and way of doing business.  Everyone can and does make a difference in our organization.  One of our principles HWWT2 believe in all people emphasizes the importance of actively seeking diversity in others and believe everyone has the potential to make a difference, training and support for the development of each person to make their full capacity.  This adds perspective and depth of what we do.  We also found that the various teams is to solve it, all the services our customers more efficiently and creates a rich culture for us all to enjoy.   Code of Conduct   YUM!  Brands, Inc (Yum) agrees to act in its business in the ethical, legal and social responsibility.  To ensure compliance with all laws and ethical business practices, Yum this Code of Conduct adopted by providers (the Code) for U.S. suppliers Yum (Suppliers).   Compliance with Laws and Regulations   Providers must comply with all laws, codes or regulations, including, without limitation, all applicable local, state or federal laws regarding wages and benefits, accidents, working hours, equal opportunity, worker and product safety.  Yum also expects that vendors in accordance with the standards of their practice in the industry.   Packaging and the Environment   KFC also for the environment, we focus on our food and our customers.  Learn more about the steps we have made in our environmental footprint and improving plans to reduce the front.   Program for Animal   Yum!  Brands, parent company of KFC, it was committed to humane treatment of animals.   YumBrands owns a restaurant, which by itself does not raise or transport animals.However, as the main purchaser of food, we have the opportunity and obligation to the way animals supplied to us will be considered influence.  We take this very seriously and we are monitoring our suppliers, the question is regulated in order to identify suppliers using humane procedures for the care and treatment of animals they supply to us.Accordingly, it is our goal, but not with suppliers who share our high standards to maintain our commitment to the welfare of animals involved transaction.   Position in modern society   McDonalds in the UK   McDonalds is the largest catering company in the world.  The company sees itself as the leading global food distribution.  With more than 30.000 restaurants every day, more than 47 million people in 121 countries, it is difficult to argue!  In 1974, McDonalds opened its first restaurant in the United Kingdom.  As at 31 December 2001, operates McDonalds and its franchisees in 1184 restaurants in the UK.   KFC in the United Kingdom   Current market situation KFC   KFC, a restaurant in the worlds leading chicken, it was up to 9000 jobs in the UK, Ã…â€Å"150-OE100E dollars invested in their field, which is to monitor the opening 200 new stores -300.   In the next three to five years will create up to 9000 new jobs KFC across the country with special emphasis on the north of England and South Wales.  New jobs will be several opportunities for people of all ages and abilities cooks Manager.   Customers tend to choose a restaurant, they eat less, depending on the quality, speed and variety of elements.  KFC customers are very price sensitive and go elsewhere if it is not necessary to find a value price.  You can also people who want to be served quickly and will be characterized by the restaurant as soon as possible.   Market share   KFC has a long history and recognize the best mark in the chicken with more than 50% market share.  It is difficult for companies like Sub, McDonalds, Chicken Planet, Dixie, or those at the fast food market in force.   With more than 50% market share in the KFC fast-food industry is recognized worldwide and global sales for many years in Pakistan and gain market share in the philosophy of Pakistan takes the field.   Conclusion   Depending on the outcome of this appointment, I can conclude its better than KFC in the UK based McDonalds.  Increased range of products.  To include more variety to choose from, more deserts, and other items such as pizza McPuff.  It should continue to provide better service and faster.  With the lower supply chain costs are so that they contribute to cost reduction.   MCD is ready to extend its Happy Meal choices to win and retain customers, and may also McCafees introduction of gourmet and specialty coffees and other drinks and other foods such as cakes, cookies, etc.  in the existing McDonalds.  Focus training on gifts for all the young generations, children, especially older people who are totally new concept. MCD should Shares offered during the festival. You should increase the space for spaces birthday and to try to college festival sponsor.   After analyzing the marketing mix from McDonalds, it is clear that the company, as a global, ie  combination of elements of globalization and internationalization can be described.  McDonalds have achieved this by applying the principle think globally, act locally  

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Nuclear Reactor :: science

A Nuclear Reactor The term Nuclear Reactor means an interaction between two or more Nuclei, Nuclear Particles, or Radiation, possibly causing transformation of the nuclear type; includes, for example, fission, capture, elastic container. Reactor means the core and its immediate container. Nuclear Reactors are used to produce electricity . The numbers of Nuclear Reactor plants have grown sufficiently . Electricity is being generated in a number of ways, it can be generated by using Thermal Power. It can be employed by using two basic systems a Steam Supply System and an Electricity Generating System these two systems are related to each other. The Steam Supply System produces steam from boiling water by the burning of coals and the Electricity Generating System produces electricity by steam turning turbines. The Nuclear power plants of this century depend on a particular type of Nuclear Reaction, Fission (The splitting of a heavy nucleus like the uranium atom to form two lighter "fission ! fragments" a s well as less massive particles as the Neutrons). In the Nuclear Reactors this splitting is induced by the interaction of a neutron with a fissionable nucleus. Under suitable conditions, a "chain" reaction of fission in which events may be sustained. The energy released from the fission reactions provide heat, part of which is ultimately converted into electricity. In the present day Nuclear power plants, this heat is removed from the Nuclear fuel by water that is pumped past rods containing fuel. The basic feature of the nuclear reactor is the release of a large amount of energy from each fission event that occurs in the nuclear reactors core. On the average, a fission event releases about 200 million electron volts of energy. a typical chemical reaction, on the other hand releases about one electron volt. The difference, roughly a factor of 100 million electron volts. The complete fission of one pound of uranium would release roughly the same amount of energy as the combination o f 6000 barrels of oil or 1000 tons of high quality oil. The reactor cooling fluid serves a dual purpose. Its most urgent function is to remove from the core the heat that results when the energy released from the Nuclear reactions is transformed by the collisions into the random nuclear motion. An associated function is to transfer this heat into an outside core, typically for the production of electricity. The designer provides for a nuclear core in a container through which a cooling fluid is pumped.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Television and Media - Censorship of TV Violence Not Necessary Essay

Censorship of TV Violence Not Necessary    Censorship of televised media often begins as a result of the concern many adults show over what their children watch. Children begin watching television at an early age, and they are usually lifetime viewers by the time they are two to three years old. There is usually a steady increase in the amount of television watched during a persons' childhood. This is followed by a decline during adolescence. What is more of a concern to the American people, however, is the amount of violence depicted on the television screen. The addition of cable TV also adds a whole new dimension to the problem. Children who watch a lot of TV are less aroused by violent scenes, less bothered by violence in general, and less likely to find anything wrong with it ( Comstock 521). A study by George Gerbner, Ph.D., at the University of Pennsylvania, enlightens this subject. His research shows that TV programs made for children typically contain over 20 acts of violence per hour. 'Children who watch the vio lent shows, even 'just funny' cartoons, were more likely to hit out at their playmates, argue, disobey class rules, leave tasks unfinished, and were less willing to wait for things than those who watched the nonviolent programs,' says Aletha Huston, Ph.D., now at the University of Kansas.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Even though many studies have been conducted on the effects of TV violence on youngsters many scientists doubt that a connection exists between these two topics. Most simply say that there is just not enough evidence available to make a definite conclusion. In the end it is up to the parents of children to make the ultimate decision of what should or should not be watched. There are several things parents ... ...rograms of historical significance, such as Schindler's List, further lessons its value.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Overall it can be said that violence is indeed prevalent on television in today's society. Some may argue that this violence is harmful to our children and must be ended, while others view the media as a form of free speech. Either way it is up to the individual to make the decision on whether a program should or should not be watched. The TV can simple be turned off or the channel changed if the program is not to a person's liking. The government should not have to do this regulation for us.    Works Cited Comstock, G. (1994). The effects of television violence on antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis. Communication Research, 21 (4), 516-546. Palmer, E.L. (1988). Television and America's children: A crisis of neglect. New York: Oxford University Press.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

To Kill A Mockingbird I've never been to Alabama, but novelist Harper Lee made me feel as if I had been there in the long, hot summer of 1935, when a lawyer named Atticus Finch decided to defend an innocent black man accused of a horrible crime. The story of how the whole town reacted to the trial is told by the lawyer's daughter, Scout, who remembers exactly what it was like to be eight years old in 1935, in Macomb, Alabama. Scout is the reason I loved this book, because her voice rings so clear and true. Not only does she make me see the things she sees, she makes me feel the things she feels. There's a lot more going on than just the trial, and Scout tells you all about it. A man called Boo Radley lives next door. Very few people have ever seen Boo, but Scout and her friends have a lot of fun telling scary stories about him. The mystery about Boo Radley is just one of the reasons you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens in To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout and her big brother, Jem, run wild and play games and have a great time while their father is busy with the trial. One of their friends is a strange boy called Dill. Actually Dill isn't really so strange once you get to know him. He says things like "I'm little but I'm old," which is funny but also pretty sad, because some of the time Dill acts more like a little old man than a seven–year–old boy. To Kill a Mockingbird is filled with interesting characters like Dill, and Scout makes them all seem just as real as the people in your own hometown. Here's how Scout describes Miss Caroline, who wore a red–striped dress: "She looked and smelled like a peppermint drop." Dill, Boo, and Jem are all fascinating, but the most important character in the book is Scout's father, Atticus Finch. You get the idea that Scout is writing the story down because she wants the world to know what a good man her dad was, and how hard he tried to do the right thing, even though the deck was stacked against him. The larger theme of the story is about racial intolerance, but Scout never tries to make it a "lesson," it's simply part of the world she describes.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Frostbite Chapter 8

Eight Christian was kissing her, and wow, was it a kiss. He wasn't messing around. It was the kind of kiss that small children shouldn't be allowed to see. Hell, it was the kind of kiss no one should be allowed to see- let alone experience through a psychic link. As I've noted before, strong emotion from Lissa could make this phenomenon happen- the one where I got pulled inside her head. But always, always, it was because of some negative emotion. She'd get upset or angry or depressed, and that would reach out to me. But this time? She wasn't upset. She was happy. Very, very happy. Oh man. I needed to get out of here. They were up in the attic of the school's chapel or, as I liked to call it, their love nest. The place had been a regular hangout for them, back when each of them was feeling antisocial and wanted to escape. Eventually, they'd decided to be antisocial together, and one thing had led to another. Since they started publicly dating, I hadn't known they spent much time here anymore. Maybe they were back for old time's sake. And indeed, a celebration did seem to be going on. Little scented candles were set up around the dusty old place, candles that filled the air with the scent of lilacs. I would have been a little nervous about setting all those candles in a confined space filled with flammable boxes and books, but Christian probably figured he could control any accidental infernos. They finally broke that insanely long kiss and pulled back to look at each other. They lay on their sides on the floor. Several blankets had been spread under them. Christian's face was open and tender as he regarded Lissa, his pale blue eyes aglow with some inner emotion. It was different from the way Mason regarded me. There was certainly adoration with him, but Mason's was a lot like when you walk into a church and fall to your knees in awe and fear of something you worship but don't really understand. Christian clearly worshipped Lissa in his way, but there was a knowing glint to his eyes, a sense that the two of them shared an understanding of each other so perfect and powerful that they didn't even need words to convey it. â€Å"Don't you think we're going to go to hell for this?† asked Lissa. He reached out and touched her face, trailing his fingers along her cheek and neck and down to the top of her silky shirt. She breathed heavily at that touch, at the way it could be so gentle and small, yet evoke such a strong passion within her. â€Å"For this?† He played with the shirt's edge, letting his finger just barely brush inside of it. â€Å"No,† she laughed. â€Å"For this.† She gestured around the attic. â€Å"This is a church. We shouldn't be doing this kind of, um, thing up here.† â€Å"Not true,† he argued. Gently, he pushed her onto her back and leaned over her. â€Å"The church is downstairs. This is just storage. God won't mind.† â€Å"You don't believe in God,† she chastised. Her hands made their way down his chest. Her movements were as light and deliberate as his, yet they clearly triggered the same powerful response in him. He sighed happily as her hands slid under his shirt and up his stomach. â€Å"I'm humoring you.† â€Å"You'd say anything right now,† she accused. Her fingers caught the edge of his shirt and pushed it up. He shifted so she could push it all the way off him and then leaned back over her, bare-chested. â€Å"You're right,† he agreed. He carefully undid one button on her blouse. Just one. Then he again leaned down and gave her one of those hard, deep kisses. When he came up for air, he continued on as though nothing had happened. â€Å"Tell me what you need to hear, and I'll say it.† He unfastened another button. â€Å"There's nothing I need to hear,† she laughed. Another button popped free. â€Å"You can tell me whatever you want- it'd just be nice if it were true.† â€Å"The truth, huh? No one wants to hear the truth. The truth is never sexy. But you †¦Ã¢â‚¬  The last button came undone, and he spread her shirt away. â€Å"You are too goddamned sexy to be real.† His words held his trademark snarky tone, but his eyes conveyed a different message entirely. I was witnessing this scene through Lissa's eyes, but I could imagine what he saw. Her smooth, white skin. Slender waist and hips. A lacy white bra. Through her, I could feel that the lace was itchy, but she didn't care. Feelings both fond and hungry spread over his features. From within Lissa, I could feel her heart race and breathing quicken. Emotions similar to Christian's clouded all other coherent thoughts. Shifting down, he lay on top of her, pressing their bodies together. His mouth sought hers out again, and as their lips and tongues made contact, I knew I had to get out of there. Because I understood it now. I understood why Lissa had dressed up and why the love nest had been decked out like a Yankee Candles showroom. This was it. The moment. After a month of dating, they were going to have sex. Lissa, I knew, had done it before with a past boyfriend. I didn't know Christian's past, but I sincerely doubted many girls had fallen prey to his abrasive charm. But in feeling what Lissa felt, I could tell that none of that mattered. Not in that moment. In that moment, there were only the two of them and the way they felt about each other right now. And in a life filled with more worries than someone her age should have had, Lissa felt absolutely certain about what she was doing now. It was what she wanted. What she'd wanted for a very long time with him. And I had no right to be witnessing it. Who was I kidding? I didn't want to witness it. I took no pleasure in watching other people get it on, and I sure as hell didn't want to experience sex with Christian. It'd be like losing my virginity virtually. But Jesus Christ, Lissa wasn't making it easy to get out of her head. She had no desire to detach from her feelings and emotions, and the stronger they grew, the stronger they held me. Trying to distance myself from her, I focused my energies on coming back to myself, concentrating as hard as I could. More clothes disappeared †¦ Come on, come on, I told myself sternly. The condom came out†¦ yikes. You're your own person, Rose. Get back in your head. Their limbs intertwined, their bodies moving together †¦ Son of a- I ripped out of her and back to myself. Once again, I was back in my room, but I no longer had any interest in packing my backpack. My whole world was askew. I felt strange and violated- almost unsure if I was Rose or if I was Lissa. I also felt that resentment toward Christian again. I certainly didn't want to have sex with Lissa, but there was that same pang inside of me, that frustrated feeling that I was no longer the center of her world. Leaving the backpack untouched, I went right to bed, wrapping my arms around myself and curling into a ball to try to squelch the ache within my chest. I fell asleep pretty quickly and woke up early as a result. Usually, I had to be dragged out of bed to go meet Dimitri, but today I showed up early enough that I actually beat him to the gym. As I waited, I saw Mason cutting across to one of the buildings that held classrooms. â€Å"Whoa,† I called. â€Å"Since when are you up this early?† â€Å"Since I had to retake a math test,† he said, walking over to me. He gave me his mischievous smile. â€Å"Might be worth skipping, though, to hang out with you.† I laughed, remembering my conversation with Lissa. Yes, there were definitely worse things I could do than flirt and start something with Mason. â€Å"Nah. You might get in trouble, then I'd have no real challenge on the slopes.† He rolled his eyes, still smiling. â€Å"I'm the one with no real challenge, remember?† â€Å"You ready to bet on something yet? Or are you still too afraid?† â€Å"Watch it,† he warned, â€Å"or I might take back your Christmas present.† â€Å"You got me a present?† I hadn't expected that. â€Å"Yup. But if you keep back-talking, I might give it to someone else.† â€Å"Like Meredith?† I teased. â€Å"She isn't even in your league, and you know it.† â€Å"Even with a black eye?† I asked with a grimace. â€Å"Even with two black eyes.† The look he gave me just then wasn't teasing or even really suggestive. It was just nice. Nice, friendly, and interested. Like he really cared. After all the stress lately, I decided I liked being cared about. And with the neglect I was starting to feel from Lissa, I realized I also kind of liked having someone who wanted to pay so much attention to me. â€Å"What are you doing on Christmas?† I asked. He shrugged. â€Å"Nothing. My mom almost came down but had to cancel at the last minute †¦ you know, with everything that happened.† Mason's mother wasn't a guardian. She was a dhampir who'd chosen to just be domestic and have kids. As a result, I knew he saw her quite a bit. It was ironic, I thought, that my mom actually was here, but for all intents and purposes, she might as well have been somewhere else. â€Å"Come hang with me,† I said on impulse. â€Å"I'll be with Lissa and Christian and his aunt. It'll be fun.† â€Å"Really?† â€Å"Very fun.† â€Å"That's not what I was asking about.† I grinned. â€Å"I know. Just be there, okay?† He swept me one of the gallant bows he liked to make. â€Å"Absolutely.† Mason wandered off just as Dimitri showed up for our practice. Talking to Mason had made me feel giddy and happy; I hadn't thought about my face at all with him. But with Dimitri, I suddenly became self-conscious. I didn't want to be anything less than perfect with him, and as we walked inside, I went out of my way to avert my face so he couldn't look at me full-on. Worrying about that brought my mood down, and as it plummeted, all the other things that had been upsetting me came tumbling back. We returned to the training room with the dummies, and he told me he simply wanted me to practice the maneuvers from two days ago. Happy he wasn't going to bring up the fight, I set to my task with a burning zeal, showing the dummies just what would happen if they messed with Rose Hathaway. I knew my fighting fury was fired up by more than just a simple desire to do well. My feelings were out of control this morning, raw and intense after both the fight with my mother and what I'd witnessed with Lissa and Christian last night. Dimitri sat back and watched me, occasionally critiquing my technique and offering suggestions for new tactics. â€Å"Your hair's in the way,† he said at one point. â€Å"Not only are you blocking your peripheral vision, you're running the risk of letting your enemy get a handhold.† â€Å"If I'm actually in a fight, I'll wear it up.† I grunted as I shoved the stake neatly up between the dummy's â€Å"ribs.† I didn't know what these artificial bones were made of, but they were a bitch to work around. I thought about my mom again and added a little extra force to the jab. â€Å"I'm just wearing it down today, that's all.† â€Å"Rose,† he said warningly. Ignoring him, I plunged again. His voice came more sharply the next time he spoke. â€Å"Rose. Stop.† I backed away from the dummy, surprised to find my breathing labored. I hadn't realized I was working that hard. My back hit the wall. With nowhere to go, I looked away from him, directing my eyes toward the ground. â€Å"Look at me,† he ordered. â€Å"Dimitri- â€Å" â€Å"Look at me.† No matter our close history, he was still my instructor. I couldn't refuse a direct order. Slowly, reluctantly, I turned toward him, still tilting my head slightly down so the hair hung over the sides of my face. Rising from his chair, he walked over and stood before me. I avoided his eyes but saw his hand move forward to brush back my hair. Then it stopped. As did my breathing. Our short-lived attraction had been filled with questions and reservations, but one thing I'd known for sure: Dimitri had loved my hair. Maybe he still loved it. It was great hair, I'll admit. Long and silky and dark. He used to find excuses to touch it, and he'd counseled me against cutting it as so many female guardians did. His hand hovered there, and the world stood still as I waited to see what he would do. After what seemed like an eternity, he let his hand gradually fall back to his side. Burning disappointment washed over me, yet at the same time, I'd learned something. He'd hesitated. He'd been afraid to touch me, which maybe- just maybe- meant he still wanted to. He'd had to hold himself back. I slowly tipped my head back so that we made eye contact. Most of my hair fell back from my face- but not all. His hand trembled again, and I hoped again he'd reach forward. The hand steadied. My excitement dimmed. â€Å"Does it hurt?† he asked. The scent of that aftershave, mingled with his sweat, washed over me. God, I wished he had touched me. â€Å"No,† I lied. â€Å"It doesn't look so bad,† he told me. â€Å"It'll heal.† â€Å"I hate her,† I said, astonished at just how much venom those three words held. Even while suddenly turned on and wanting Dimitri, I still couldn't drop the grudge I held against my mother. â€Å"No, you don't,† he said gently. â€Å"I do.† â€Å"You don't have time to hate anyone,† he advised, his voice still kind. â€Å"Not in our profession. You should make peace with her.† Lissa had said exactly the same thing. Outrage joined my other emotions. That darkness within me started to unfurl. â€Å"Make peace with her? After she gave me a black eye on purpose! Why am I the only one who sees how crazy that is?† â€Å"She absolutely did not do it on purpose,† he said, voice hard. â€Å"No matter how much you resent her, you have to believe that. She wouldn't do that, and anyway, I saw her later that day. She was worried about you.† â€Å"Probably more worried someone will bring her up on child abuse charges,† I grumbled. â€Å"Don't you think this is the time of year for forgiveness?† I sighed loudly. â€Å"This isn't a Christmas special! This is my life. In the real world, miracles and goodness just don't happen.† He was still eyeing my calmly. â€Å"In the real world, you can make your own miracles.† My frustration suddenly hit a breaking point, and I gave up trying to maintain my control. I was so tired of being told reasonable, practical things whenever something went wrong in my life. Somewhere in me, I knew Dimitri only wanted to help, but I just wasn't up for the well-meant words. I wanted comfort for my problems. I didn't want to think about what would make me a better person. I wished he'd just hold me and tell me not to worry. â€Å"Okay, can you just stop this for once?† I demanded, hands on my hips. â€Å"Stop what?† â€Å"The whole profound Zen crap thing. You don't talk to me like a real person. Everything you say is just some wise, life-lesson nonsense. You really do sound like a Christmas special.† I knew it wasn't entirely fair to take my anger out on him, but I found myself practically shouting. â€Å"I swear, sometimes it's just like you want to hear yourself talk! And I know you're not always this way. You were perfectly normal when you talked to Tasha. But with me? You're just going through the motions. You don't care about me. You're just stuck in your stupid mentor role.† He stared at me, uncharacteristically surprised. â€Å"I don't care about you?† â€Å"No.† I was being petty- very, very petty. And I knew the truth- that he did care and was more than just a mentor. I couldn't help myself, though. It just kept coming and coming. I jabbed his chest with my finger. â€Å"I'm another student to you. You just go on and on with your stupid life lessons so that- â€Å" The hand I'd hoped would touch my hair suddenly reached out and grabbed my pointing hand. He pinned it to the wall, and I was surprised to see a flare of emotion in his eyes. It wasn't exactly anger†¦but it was frustration of another kind. â€Å"Don't tell me what I'm feeling,† he growled. I saw then that half of what I'd said was true. He was almost always calm, always in control- even when fighting. But he'd also told me how he'd once snapped and beaten up his Moroi father. He'd actually been like me once- always on the verge of acting without thinking, doing things he knew he shouldn't. â€Å"That's it, isn't it?† I asked. â€Å"What?† â€Å"You're always fighting for control. You're the same as me.† â€Å"No,† he said, still obviously worked up. â€Å"I've learned my control.† Something about this new realization emboldened me. â€Å"No,† I informed him. â€Å"You haven't. You put on a good face, and most of the time you do stay in control. But sometimes you can't. And sometimes †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I leaned forward, lowering my voice. â€Å"Sometimes you don't want to.† â€Å"Rose†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I could see his labored breathing and knew his heart was beating as quickly as mine. And he wasn't pulling away. I knew this was wrong- knew all the logical reasons for us staying apart. But right then, I didn't care. I didn't want to control myself. I didn't want to be good. Before he realized what was happening, I kissed him. Our lips met, and when I felt him kiss me back, I knew I was right. He pressed himself closer, trapping me between him and the wall. He kept holding my hand, but his other one snaked behind my head, sliding into my hair. The kiss was filled with so much intensity; it held anger, passion, release†¦. He was the one who broke it. He jerked away from me and took several steps back, looking shaken. â€Å"Do not do that again,† he said stiffly. â€Å"Don't kiss me back then,† I retorted. He stared at me for what seemed like forever. â€Å"I don't give ‘Zen lessons' to hear myself talk. I don't give them because you're another student. I'm doing this to teach you control.† â€Å"You're doing a great job,† I said bitterly. He closed his eyes for half a second, exhaled, and muttered something in Russian. Without another glance at me, he turned and left the room.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Life Goals

There are many goals in my life that I would love to achieve. I am only 15 years old so I can’t write as much as someone twice my age so to say, but I strictly know my high school goals, college goals, career goals, and personal goals. As a 15 year old I have a lot already planned out so I will soon see how close I follow my goals. My first and most important high school goal I have is to finish school with a G. P. A. 3. 8 or higher. I can not stress enough how important this goal is to me, for this goal will enable me to a higher possibility of getting into the college of my choice.If I fail to complete this goal I will have to apply to less prestigious colleges, which will not be the best for my future career and personal goals. Freshman year I finished with a 3. 8 so that means I am already on the right path to maintaining a 3. 8, but that really isn’t my goal that’s just the lowest G. P. A. I will accept I really am aiming for a 4. 0 or higher due to my advan ced placement classes. I am most confident that I will be able to reach this goal with the help from teachers and family they will be a main factor in my high school career.There are still two more very important years of my high school life so I must study hard and work hard to reach this goal. This next goal has already been in my head since 8th grade I can say I am quite the worry wart, this goal is getting high SAT scores or ACT depending on what the college will require. So far I have taken the PSAT (preliminary SAT) to help me maintain and focus on this specific goal. Taking the PSAT has opened me up to what the SAT will be like in my junior year, also I have bought some practice SAT books to help my study.AVID is going to be a huge factor for my SAT prep I’ve been told that junior year in AVID Is all about SAT prep, so that will be a big step ahead of other competitors trying to attend the same college of my choice. This test will either make or break my college applic ation having a high SAT score makes the chance of getting into a competitive college even higher. I still have to take the SAT and study for it every chance I get. Getting into a prestigious medical school is my number one college goal.Of course I will have to attend a four year college before I do this, but I hope to get into the most competitive medical school I can. By reaching and achieving this goal it will make my career goals easier to overcome. I have started to research different medical schools also I have been focused on the medical schools with an accelerated program. To achieve this goal I have I will have to get my bachelors and master degrees, then I will continue on to accept my medical doctorate.I have talked to doctors about what college they went to and how long it took them to finish the accelerated program if they chose that option. I still need to go to college and be accepted into a medical school. After I receive my medical doctorate I would like to continue on and study a specialty specifically in dermatology which will allow me to say I’m a certified doctor in the medicine. This will also enable me to open a medical practice just for dermatology and guide patients with the correct medicine, creams, face scrub etc†¦In the ninth grade I did a project in Biology on dermatologist and I had to go around town and interview the local dermatologist this opened my eyes to what I would like to do with my life. I furthered my study after this project and this practice really caught my eye so to say, also my mom and I have came close friends with a dermatologist in town. I still need to go to college get my Bachelors degree and Masters then I have to get my M. D. then finally I could start my studies in dermatology!My sayings or morals that I live by are what my parents have been telling me my whole life, I live my personal life by hard work and respect these are the goals I would like to always have and live my life by. By working ha rd and respecting everything I feel like I will go far in life and do great things. The only way I will get to college is by hard work and respecting my teachers that take their time to lecture, show examples, and actually give time after school to give extra help.Everything I do in life I respect and I do it to the fullest at least I try to, not everything I do will be 100 percent accurate or always right, but I will take the time to get it right the next time. By having respect I will receive respect back and actually have people I could ask for help and get an eligible answer for my question. These are the two most important ideas I feel everyone should live by. My second personal goal is to when I actually have one of my own is to spend a lot of time with my family.This flashes back to my first personal goal by working hard I will most likely succeed in progressive career where I could set my own work hours and take vacations with my family. This goal will mean a whole lot more once I actually have a family of my own, but I would like to do as much as I can to be the best father and husband also to be supportive of everyone in my family. That is my reasoning on how to have a successful family with not as much stress as most family’s have. All in all these goals are all equal in importance to me, they will help me go places in life and help me achieve great things.I hope I achieve my goal of my grade point average then also get a high SAT score. Getting into medical school will broaden my career choice and also studying dermatology will choose my medical practice that I will embark on. Working hard and having respect for everything I do and say will make me a man people look up to and would like to be around, also having family time when I am older will make myself be the best father figure and husband for my wife and kids. Those are all my life goals that I would like to achieve in my future. Life Goals There are many goals in my life that I would love to achieve. I am only 15 years old so I can’t write as much as someone twice my age so to say, but I strictly know my high school goals, college goals, career goals, and personal goals. As a 15 year old I have a lot already planned out so I will soon see how close I follow my goals. My first and most important high school goal I have is to finish school with a G. P. A. 3. 8 or higher. I can not stress enough how important this goal is to me, for this goal will enable me to a higher possibility of getting into the college of my choice.If I fail to complete this goal I will have to apply to less prestigious colleges, which will not be the best for my future career and personal goals. Freshman year I finished with a 3. 8 so that means I am already on the right path to maintaining a 3. 8, but that really isn’t my goal that’s just the lowest G. P. A. I will accept I really am aiming for a 4. 0 or higher due to my advan ced placement classes. I am most confident that I will be able to reach this goal with the help from teachers and family they will be a main factor in my high school career.There are still two more very important years of my high school life so I must study hard and work hard to reach this goal. This next goal has already been in my head since 8th grade I can say I am quite the worry wart, this goal is getting high SAT scores or ACT depending on what the college will require. So far I have taken the PSAT (preliminary SAT) to help me maintain and focus on this specific goal. Taking the PSAT has opened me up to what the SAT will be like in my junior year, also I have bought some practice SAT books to help my study.AVID is going to be a huge factor for my SAT prep I’ve been told that junior year in AVID Is all about SAT prep, so that will be a big step ahead of other competitors trying to attend the same college of my choice. This test will either make or break my college applic ation having a high SAT score makes the chance of getting into a competitive college even higher. I still have to take the SAT and study for it every chance I get. Getting into a prestigious medical school is my number one college goal.Of course I will have to attend a four year college before I do this, but I hope to get into the most competitive medical school I can. By reaching and achieving this goal it will make my career goals easier to overcome. I have started to research different medical schools also I have been focused on the medical schools with an accelerated program. To achieve this goal I have I will have to get my bachelors and master degrees, then I will continue on to accept my medical doctorate.I have talked to doctors about what college they went to and how long it took them to finish the accelerated program if they chose that option. I still need to go to college and be accepted into a medical school. After I receive my medical doctorate I would like to continue on and study a specialty specifically in dermatology which will allow me to say I’m a certified doctor in the medicine. This will also enable me to open a medical practice just for dermatology and guide patients with the correct medicine, creams, face scrub etc†¦In the ninth grade I did a project in Biology on dermatologist and I had to go around town and interview the local dermatologist this opened my eyes to what I would like to do with my life. I furthered my study after this project and this practice really caught my eye so to say, also my mom and I have came close friends with a dermatologist in town. I still need to go to college get my Bachelors degree and Masters then I have to get my M. D. then finally I could start my studies in dermatology!My sayings or morals that I live by are what my parents have been telling me my whole life, I live my personal life by hard work and respect these are the goals I would like to always have and live my life by. By working ha rd and respecting everything I feel like I will go far in life and do great things. The only way I will get to college is by hard work and respecting my teachers that take their time to lecture, show examples, and actually give time after school to give extra help.Everything I do in life I respect and I do it to the fullest at least I try to, not everything I do will be 100 percent accurate or always right, but I will take the time to get it right the next time. By having respect I will receive respect back and actually have people I could ask for help and get an eligible answer for my question. These are the two most important ideas I feel everyone should live by. My second personal goal is to when I actually have one of my own is to spend a lot of time with my family.This flashes back to my first personal goal by working hard I will most likely succeed in progressive career where I could set my own work hours and take vacations with my family. This goal will mean a whole lot more once I actually have a family of my own, but I would like to do as much as I can to be the best father and husband also to be supportive of everyone in my family. That is my reasoning on how to have a successful family with not as much stress as most family’s have. All in all these goals are all equal in importance to me, they will help me go places in life and help me achieve great things.I hope I achieve my goal of my grade point average then also get a high SAT score. Getting into medical school will broaden my career choice and also studying dermatology will choose my medical practice that I will embark on. Working hard and having respect for everything I do and say will make me a man people look up to and would like to be around, also having family time when I am older will make myself be the best father figure and husband for my wife and kids. Those are all my life goals that I would like to achieve in my future.